indescribable anger swirling in my head
sickening pain as i lie here in bed
tears falling one by one from my eye
realize my life is based on a lie
fear gripping my heart and pulling me under
bitterness stealing happiness and delighting in the plunder
irrational fatigue inside my mind
looking at the paper so neatly lined
it's not enough anymore
I know this for sure
it's not enough to live by
not enough to survive...
So i need an escape, just one little escape
from this brutal, awful, terrorizing mind rape
Incisions start small then grow and grow
blood first drips then begins to flow
I dont know how to stop once I've started
don't know how to erase this wisdom imparted
i see through black eyes and taste only blood
i am scarred and scabbed, my tears are a flood
This mess I've created stares back at me
I almost begin to question what i see...
its so horrid, so frightful, you'd never guess I did it
Can't believe that I could create such sh*t
Do I even want to stop? no...
why take away my escape, just for show!
This is me, please understand
Don't start to think that change is at hand
I don't know who i am anymore
There is just no way to be sure
All I know is I need this
It is like a tender kiss
Got to scream, got to cry
Got to rock as time goes by
Got to cut, got to bleed
Cannot sing until I'm freed
Theres no real escape, no escape from the pain
For all of you I have so much to feign
Beauty and strength have deserted me
Passion and sleep are my only decree
If you can get me out of here
I'd surely appreciate you, dear
But if you cannot help me
Then please, for me, do not worry
Inside of me there is nothing bright
All I have is pain and frieght
But it's all good because i am set
I like how it is so don't you fret!
Remember my chains
Forget not my pains
Show me your heart
I wont tear it apart
Why is it like this? I cannot say...
There is no real reason, it's just like this today...
people are so cruel and hearts are so hard
smoke curls up from the ember shards...
Darken your eye and your soul will be dark
allow some anger inside, life turns stark
Accept healing power and you will succeed
But if you don't, just smoke some weed
I don't know why the world is this way
But I know it's like this every day
Nothing changes, no matter what the circumstance
We walk around like zombies, we are under a trance.
-name of author not posted
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